You have one function and one role in this human experience.

Our role to play is to allow the atonement to occur in our mind, which is to say; to allow the unraveling of the lie we have believed about ourselves and our brothers.

Our function is to create. It is our Creator’s gift to us. He gave his attribute to us his creation. This is our joy. Our joy to be shared and then finally to be given completely to our brothers and sisters. It is in this that we find fulfillment. In the fulfilling of creation which is to complete the cycle is joy, inner peace, a sense of fulfillment, and love found.

The cycle contains five steps.

One, the creative process of imagination, or dreaming. Not aimless dreaming, rather dreaming in the sense of seeing something take shape going from the realm of non-form to the realm of form. Everything that has ever been or will ever be, begins here in the mind of the creator. One of the things I like most about the genius Albert Einstein was that he saw past the intellect and recognized the importance of dreaming/imagining, when he stated that imagination is more important than intelligence. This brings an excitement of creation.

Next, is the actual transference of non-form into form. Or the making it real in the world of form, the building of what you saw in your mind first. This brings the excitement of having created.a58e4629-06fc-4ab2-92a4-03d3f03af9aa

Third, is sharing what you have created with others. This brings the joy of accomplishment. This is also where things can and do go wrong for many of us. By way of ego we think that what we have created is meant to be kept to ourselves. Hoarding our accomplishment saying to others; this is mine, you can look but don’t touch. Here our joy is short circuited. We may experience a brief moment of joy, but it is soon gone. Think of scrooge in the story of The Christmas Carol. Through sharing with our brothers and sisters our creation has the chance to live on forever. Think, have you ever given from the heart and felt bad about it?

Fourth, is the act of giving our creation away completely. Retaining only the knowing that you fulfilled your purpose. This is the highest level of joy found in all creation that is generally reserved for those who truly know what they are. This is for those who know that they are infinite and therefore can never run out of supply. Only in this knowledge can you give away completely with no fear of ever running out. Here is found that the joy is in the creating, not the creation itself. This bring a joy not commonly found among men.

As long as you believe that at some point you will run out of resources you will never take the step of joyous handing over that which you created to others. Giving it your blessing, gently kissing it and sending it on the wings of angels to multiply and grow into all that it can be. All that it is created to be.

This is the joy of Heaven. Now the joy is shared by your Creator-by you-and by those you have given it to. Now the circle is complete, and Heaven on earth is found.

Last and first, you begin the process of creation again. Having given your creation away you must now begin anew. This is life. A continuous cycle of growing. When we stop growing we begin dying. This is a law of creation. In order to grow, creation must be given away. This is the gift of Christmas.
Peace and Joy as earth merges with Heaven. Tourist on mountain top. Sport and active lif

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